NIH, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) NIH - National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute DCTD - Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis

Subset of SOPs from Participating Biobanks and U.S. Government Agencies


This compendium contains representative SOPs submitted to the BRD SOP Library from sources that are either a U.S. government agency or possess a centralized biobank. The intent of this compendium is to facilitate comparisons of SOP format across organizations.


  • ACSR
  • BrainNet Europe
  • CTRNet
  • EuroBioBank
  • Gyn Biobank
  • IARC
  • KLR
  • Komen Tissue Bank
  • RCWIH BioBank
  • NIH NeuroBioBank
  • NIBiobank
  • Sheffield Biorepository
  • Spanish Biobank Network
  • SJH Biobank
  • TCRB
  • CHW Tumour Bank
  • UCHC Tissue Repository
  • UK Biobank
  • BBRB
  • TCGA
  • CDC
  • CHI
  • EDRN
  • DCTD
  • Immune Tolerance Network


Title Version (Release Date) Source
T012 Receiving Shipping and Packing ACSR
Blood Sample Processing and Storage ABCTB
MacroMicrodissection BrainNet Europe
Collection and processing of blood samples BCNTB
Sectioning of tissue- Paraffin and OCT Embedded Tissue CTRNet
Isopentane freezing protocol for muscle biopsy EuroBioBank
Gynaecological Oncology Biobank Standard Operating Procedures Gyn Biobank
IARC Biobank Standard Operating Procedures IARC
Surgical Lung Biopsy Protocols KLR
Acquisition of Serum From Whole Blood Komen Tissue Bank
Standard Operating Procedures for the Collection of perinatal Specimens for Research RCWIH BioBank
Spinal Cord Recovery NIH NeuroBioBank
Buccal Swab DNA Isolation with DNeasy Kit OSUCCC LTB
Tissue Storage in the SBTB Sheffield Biorepository
Collection, Processing and Storage of Cerebrospinal Fluid Samples Obtained by Lumbar Puncture Spanish Biobank Network
SJH Cancer Biobank Breast Gross Specimen SOP SJH Biobank
TCRB Procurement and Shipment of Tumor, Tissue, and Blood SOP-100 TCRB
The Tumour Bank Standard Operating Procedures CHW Tumour Bank
Tissue Processing UCHC Tissue Repository
Saliva Sample Collection, Processing and Transport UK Biobank
Minimum Protocol for Brain Dissection UMB BTB
GTEx Tissue Harvesting Work Instruction BBRB
M027 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for FFPE RNA/DNA Co-Isolation Using the Allprep FFPE Kit and the Highpure miRNA Kits TCGA
Cord Blood Transplantation Bank SOP NHLBI
Laboratory Procedure Manual: Complete Blood Count CDC
Prospective Biospecimen Collection Protocol, Colon Cancer CPTAC
CHI Standard Operating Procedure for Serum Collection Using SST Tubes CHI
The Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) SOP For Collection of EDTA Plasma EDRN
Tumor Frozen Needle Biopsy Specimen Collection and Handling DCTD
Whole Blood Washing Method Immune Tolerance Network
Download all SOP documents of selected versions [30]

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