CHI Standard Operating Procedure for Serum Collection Using SST Tubes
BRD ID: 102
Source: CHI Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 1614
This document describes the collection of blood into SST tubes, the centrifugation of blood to obtain serum and frozen storage of serum. It is a product of the Center for Human Immunology, Autoimmunity and Inflammation (CHI; of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Documents for Download
SOP-Serum-SSTTubes.pdf [Size: 82 KB]Biospecimens
- Fluid - Blood
- Fluid - Serum
- General
- Biospecimen Acquisition
- Biospecimen Processing
- Biospecimen Preservation
- Storage
Associated SOP Compendiums
- Biospecimen Acquisition
- Biospecimen Processing
- Biospecimen Preservation
- Storage