NIH, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) NIH - National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute DCTD - Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis

OSUCCC Leukemia Tissue Bank


The SOPs contained in this compendium are a product of the OSUCCC Leukemia Tissue Bank (




Title Version (Release Date) Source
Establishment of Primary Cell culture of human bone marrow aspirate: Culture and Harvest of Fibroblasts Cells OSUCCC LTB
Procedure to thaw cryopreserved mononuclear cells from bone marrow, peripheral blood or products of leukapheresis OSUCCC LTB
Mononuclear cell separation of bone marrow aspirate and peripheral blood using Ficoll-paque Plus OSUCCC LTB
Cell suspension enumeration and viability determination using the OSUCCC LTB
Non-enzymatic Single-Cell Dispersion of normal or tumor tissue OSUCCC LTB
Buccal Swab DNA Isolation with DNeasy Kit OSUCCC LTB
CD138 Positive Selection of Ficolled Mononuclear Cell Fraction from bone marrow or whole blood OSUCCC LTB
Preparation of cytological slides from mononuclear cell fraction of OSUCCC LTB
Preparation of plasma and serum from peripheral blood OSUCCC LTB
Banking Procedure for Previously Prepared Samples OSUCCC LTB
Quality Control of DNA using agarose gel electrophoresis with post-run staining OSUCCC LTB
Preparation of RNA lysate from mononuclear cell fraction OSUCCC LTB
Calibration of ViCell® Cell Counter using Via™Check Concentration Control OSUCCC LTB
Wright-Giemsa Stain of cytological “cytospin” slide preparations to determine percent blasts of leukemic blood or bone marrow aspirate sample after ficoll separation OSUCCC LTB
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