Wright-Giemsa Stain of cytological “cytospin” slide preparations to determine percent blasts of leukemic blood or bone marrow aspirate sample after ficoll separation
BRD ID: 1,094
Source: OSUCCC LTB Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 3236
This document describes the procedures used by the OSUCCC Leukemia Tissue Bank for staining slide preparations of white blood cells and provides guidance for their cytological evaluation. It is a product of the OSUCCC Leukemia Tissue Bank (http://cancer.osu.edu/research-and-education/shared-resources/leukemia-tissue-bank).
Documents for Download
OSULTB_Wright-Giemsa stain SOP.pdf [Size: 228 KB]Biospecimens
- Fluid - Blood
- Cell - Bone Marrow
- Cell - White Cells
- General
- Platform-specific Methodology
Associated SOP Compendiums
- Platform-specific Methodology