scTCRseq and bulk TCRseq: Single-cell and bulk RNA-based TCR sequencing Analytical Validation (DFCI)
BRD ID: 3,120
Source: CIMAC-CIDC Network Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 96
This document describes the procedures for and the analytical validation of the RNase H-dependent PCR-enabled T Cell Receptor sequencing (rhTCRseq) assay for processing single cells and bulk RNA. It is used by the Cancer Immune Monitoring and Analysis Center (CIMAC) at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, which is part of the Cancer Immune Monitoring and Analysis Centers and the Cancer Immunologic Data Center Network (CIMAC-CIDC Network;, a Cancer Moonshot Initiative. The final edited version of this published protocol can be found at Li S, et al. RNase H-dependent PCR-enabled T-cell receptor sequencing for highly specific and efficient targeted sequencing of T-cell receptor mRNA for single-cell and repertoire analysis. Nature Protocols. 14, 2571-2594 (2019)(
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