Preparation of Platelet-Poor Plasma from Sodium Citrate Tubes Standard Operating Procedure
BRD ID: 3,066
Source: Immune Tolerance Network Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 130
This document describes the procedures for the preparation and freezing of platelet-poor plasma (PPP) from blood collected in sodium citrate tubes. It is a product of the Immune Tolerance Network (ITN); the protocol can be found at, and a video demonstrating the procedure can be viewed at
Documents for Download
ITN_ITN093AI DARE-APS_DARE APS Platelet Poor Plasma SOP.pdf [Size: 297 KB]Biospecimens
- Fluid - Plasma
- Not specified
- Biospecimen Processing
- Biospecimen Preservation
- Storage
Associated SOP Compendiums
- Biospecimen Processing
- Biospecimen Preservation
- Storage