Procedure for Use of Bio-Rad Bio-Plex Pro RBM Apoptosis Panel Kits 1 - 3 for the Analysis of Clinical Tumor Biopsy Extracts and Reporting of Data
BRD ID: 3,006
Source: DCTD Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 261
This document describes quantification of analyte levels in fractionated lysates from tumor biopsy specimens using apoptosis multiplex immunoassay panels. It is a product of the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD). Visit the DCTD website ( for recent updates to the SOP.
Documents for Download
SOP341402_ApoptosisPanel_KitUse_DataReporting_B.pdf [Size: 798 KB] Download SOP documents of all versions [2]Biospecimens
- Tissue - General
- Neoplastic - Not specified
- General
- Biospecimen Processing
- Platform-specific Methodology
Associated SOP Compendiums
- Biospecimen Processing
- Platform-specific Methodology