OMS Atlas OCT Spatial Mapping
BRD ID: 2,896
Source: HTAN Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 116
This document describes the procedure used by the Omic and Multidimensional Spatial (OMS) Atlas at the Oregon Health and Science University to produce serial sections of an OCT frozen tissue block to generate slide-mounted sections for distribution to participating centers of the Human Tissue Atlas Network (HTAN) for subsequent analysis. HTAN is an initiative of National Cancer Institute. The SOP is available online via the HTAN workspace at ( and directly at
Documents for Download
NCI HTAN oms-atlas-oct-spatial-mapping-bvw7n7hn V 2.pdf [Size: 107 KB]Biospecimens
- Tissue - General
- Not specified
- Biospecimen Processing
Associated SOP Compendiums
- Biospecimen Processing