NIH, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) NIH - National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute DCTD - Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis

Automated RNASeq Library Preparation using Illumina’s TruSeq RNA Access Library for Illumina Paired-End Sequencing   Add to my SOP compendium

BRD ID: 2,285

Source: PDMR Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 428


This document describes the procedures used by the Molecular Characterization and Clinical Assay Development Laboratory (MoCha) for quantifying and assessing quality of RNA extracted from patient-derived xenograft specimens using the Advanced Analytical Technologies’ High Sensitivity RNA Analysis Kit and a fragment analyzer and preparation of a cDNA library using Illumina’s RNA Access Library Prep Kit at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research. It is a product of the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Patient-Derived Models Repository (PDMR) and is available at

Documents for Download

MCCRD_SOP0006_PDX_Automated_RNAAccess_LibraryPrep_Illumina.pdf [Size: 569 KB]

  • Patient Derived Model - General
  • Neoplastic - Not specified
  • Platform-specific Methodology

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