Standard Operating Procedure: Collecting Colonic Biopsy Samples for Histopathological Protein, Gene Expression and Epigenetic Analysis
BRD ID: 1,542
Source: GENIEUR Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 2511
This document describes procedures for the collection, preservation by formalin or Allprotect, and storage of colon biopsy samples obtained via colonic endoscopic procedures and mucosal biopsies. Biopsies collected and preserved under this SOP were used for DNA, RNA, and protein analysis. It was developed and used by the Genes in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Europe (GENIEUR) Network and is available at
Documents for Download
SOP_Tissue_Sampling.pdf [Size: 316 KB]Biospecimens
- Tissue - Colorectal
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Biospecimen Acquisition
- Biospecimen Preservation
- Storage
Associated SOP Compendiums
- Biospecimen Acquisition
- Biospecimen Preservation
- Storage