SOP117 Sectioning of Paraffin and OCT Embedded Tissue
BRD ID: 1,025
Source: OICR Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 2188
This document describes the standard operating procedures for sectioning specimens in FFPE or OCT blocks, required storage conditions for the sections, and the method for assessment of section quality used by the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) biorepository. The document is a product of OICR and is available at
Documents for Download
SOP117_02 Sectioning of Paraffin and OCT Embedded Tissue_Jan 2016 final.pdf [Size: 69 KB] Download SOP documents of all versions [2]Biospecimens
- Tissue - General
- General
- Biospecimen Preservation
- Storage
- Analyte Extraction and Purification
Associated SOP Compendiums
- Biospecimen Preservation
- Storage
- Analyte Extraction and Purification