NIH, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) NIH - National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute DCTD - Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis

Preanalytical considerations in quantifying circulating miRNAs that predict end-stage kidney disease in diabetes.

Author(s): Satake E, Krolewski B, Kobayashi H, Md Dom ZI, Ricca J, Wilson JM, Hoon DS, Duffin KL, Pezzolesi MG, Krolewski AS

Publication: JCI Insight, 2024, Vol. 9, Page

PubMed ID: 38912578 PubMed Review Paper? No

Purpose of Paper

This paper compared the microRNA (miRNA, miR) profile obtained by next-generation sequencing (NGS) of whole plasma using the HTG EdgeSeq platform with the profile obtained by sequencing extracted RNA using the HTG EdgeSeq, SeqMatic, or LC Sciences platforms or by real-time RT-PCR. Additionally, the authors investigated if plasma miRNA concentrations are correlated (i) with plasma storage duration, (ii) between specimens freeze-thawed once versus three times, (iii) between collection timepoints in patients who did or did not progress to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), and (iv) with patient age, body mass index (BMI), or Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels.

Conclusion of Paper

Using the HTG EdgeSeq platform, 2002 of 2083 miRNAs were detected directly in whole plasma, but only 930 miRNAs were detected after RNA extraction using the same HTG EdgeSeq platform, and 262 and 439 miRNAs were detected when RNA was sequenced with the SeqMatic and LC Sciences platforms, respectively. Importantly, detected miRNAs were found at both higher and lower levels in extracted RNA compared to direct detection in whole plasma. 1442 miRNAs found in whole plasma were included in the real-time RT-PCR assay, of which 379 were detected in extracted RNA, but once again expression levels differed between the sample types/platforms.  While all eight high-risk ESKD miRNAs were detected in extracted RNA using the HTG EdgeSeq platform, levels were significantly lower and not correlated with those in plasma, and the majority of the eight miRNAs were not detectable in extracted RNA using the other sequencing platforms. All 9 protective ESKD miRNAs were detected in extracted RNA using the HTG EdgeSeq platform, 7 were detected using either the LC Sciences RNA Seq platform or real-time RT-PCR, and 6 were detected using the SeqMatic RNA Seq assay. Importantly, levels of some miRNAs were correlated between plasma and extracted RNA, but the authors state the strength of the correlations was highly variable. 
While significant correlations were observed between levels of some miRNAs and the duration of frozen storage, the majority of miRNAs were not significantly correlated with plasma storage duration, and levels of miRNAs were strongly correlated between specimens that were freeze-thaw cycled once and three times (r=0.882). Importantly, none of the 17 ESKD-associated miRNAs were significantly affected by storage duration or freeze-thaw cycling. miRNA levels did not differ significantly between the baseline and follow-up visits in plasma from the 52 patients with type I diabetes who did not progress to ESKD, but significant increases in five of the eight ESKD-associated miRNAs and decreases in four of the nine ESKD protective miRNAs were observed among the 44 patients who did progress to ESKD; no other miRNAs were significantly increased.  The concentration of the 2002 detected miRNAs or the 17 ESKD-associated miRNAs in whole plasma were not associated with patient age, BMI, or HbA1c nor did they differ between specimens from men and women. 


  1. Study Purpose

    This study compared the miRNA profile obtained by NGS of whole plasma using the HTG EdgeSeq platform with the profile obtained by sequencing extracted RNA using the HTG EdgeSeq, SeqMatic, or LC Sciences platforms or by real-time RT-PCR. This study used plasma and previously extracted RNA collected from eight patients (7 men and 1 woman) with type I diabetes and extracted RNA from plasma pools that included specimens from 40 type 1 diabetes patients.  RNA extraction was performed using the miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Kit. Levels of 2083 miRNAs were quantified in matched plasma and extracted RNA specimens from eight patients using the HTG EdgeSeq miRNA sequence platform. miRNAs were also quantified by sequencing the extracted RNA from those same eight patients by SeqMatics using SeqMatic’s TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit V2 Kit and a HiSeq 2000 DNA sequencer and by LC Sciences using the TruSeq Small RNA Sample Prep Kit and a HiSeq 2500 sequencer.  Levels of 1805 miRNAs were quantified using real-time RT-PCR and the miRNome miScript miRNA PCR Array and the RNA extracted from the plasma pools. 

    Summary of Findings:

    Using the HTG EdgeSeq platform, 2002 of 2083 miRNAs were detected directly in whole plasma; however, only 46% (930) of those miRNAs were detected when isolated RNA was sequenced using the HTG EdgeSeq platform, with 53 miRNAs (5.7%) expressed at lower levels and 46 (4.9%) expressed at higher levels in extracted RNA compared to levels in whole plasma. Of the 2002 miRNAs detected by HTG EdgeSeq in whole plasma, only 13% (262) and 22% (439) were detected in extracted RNA that was sequenced using the SeqMatic and LC Sciences RNA-Seq platforms, respectively, with detected miRNAs found at both higher and lower levels in isolated RNA compared to whole plasma. A total of 1442 miRNAs found in whole plasma were included in the real-time RT-PCR assay, of which 379 (27%) were detected in RNA extracted from plasma, but once again, expression levels differed between the sample types/platforms.  All eight high-risk ESKD miRNAs were detected in extracted RNA using the HTG EdgeSeq platform, but levels were significantly lower and not correlated with those in plasma. Only two of the eight high-risk ESKD miRNAs were detected in extracted RNA using either the LC Sciences RNA Seq or the real-time RT-PCR assay, and only one of the eight was detected in extracted RNA using the SeqMatic RNA Seq assay. All nine protective ESKD miRNAs were detected in extracted RNA by HTG EdgeSeq, seven were detected using either the LC Sciences RNA Seq or the real-time RT-PCR, and six were detected using the SeqMatic RNA Seq assay. Importantly, levels of some miRNAs were correlated between plasma and extracted RNA, but the authors state the strength of the correlations was highly variable.  

    Preservative Types
    • Frozen
    • Diabetes Type 1
    AnalyteTechnology Platform
    RNA Real-time qRT-PCR
    RNA Next generation sequencing
    Pre-analytical Factors:
    ClassificationPre-analytical FactorValue(s)
    Analyte Extraction and Purification Analyte isolation method RNA extraction performed
    No RNA extraction performed
    Next generation sequencing Specific Technology platform HTG EdgeSeq platform
    SeqMatic RNA seq
    LC Sciences RNA Seq
    Real-time RT-PCR
  2. Study Purpose

    This study investigated if plasma miRNA concentrations are correlated (i) with plasma storage duration, (ii) between plasma specimens thawed once versus three times, (iii) between collection timepoints in patients who did or did not progress to ESKD, or (iv) with patient age, BMI, or HbA1c levels. This study previously collected plasma from patients with type I (n=96) or II (n=140) diabetes (further collection details not provided). Levels of 2083 miRNAs were quantified directly in plasma (no RNA extraction) using the HTG EdgeSeq miRNA sequence platform. miRNA levels underwent quantile normalization with sample weights using the edgeR and limma R packages from Bioconductor. The threshold for miRNA detectability was >1 count per million in > 90% of the specimens. To assess the stability of miRNAs following storage, miRNAs were profiled in the plasma of 145 type II diabetes patients that had been stored for 4-14 years at -80°C both after a single and three freeze-thaw cycles.  The effects of patients BMI, age, gender and HbA1c levels on miRNA profile were also assessed using the specimens from the 145 patients with type II diabetes.  To better understand the effect of ESKD progression on the concentrations of miRNAs, the miRNA profile was compared between plasma collected at an initial visit and a follow-up visit (7-15 years later) from 96 type I diabetes patients of whom 44 progressed to ESKD and 52 did not. 

    Summary of Findings:

    While significant correlations were observed between levels of some miRNAs and the duration of -80°C storage, the majority of miRNAs were not significantly correlated with plasma storage duration.  Weak (-0.3<r<0.3), but not significant, correlations were observed between the levels of three (of the eight) high-risk ESKD-associated miRNAs and plasma storage duration.  Correlations between levels of the nine ESKD protective miRNAs and plasma storage were even weaker than the high-risk ESKD-associated miRNAs.  Levels of miRNAs were strongly correlated between specimens freeze-thaw cycled once and three times (r=0.882).

    Levels of the ESKD-associated miRNAs were not significantly different between the baseline and follow-up visits in plasma from the 52 patients with type I diabetes who did not progress to ESKD, but significant increases in five of eight ESKD-associated miRNAs and decreases in four of nine ESKD protective miRNAs were observed among the 44 patients who did progress to ESKD, but no other miRNAs were significantly increased.  The concentrations of the 2,002 miRNAs and the 17 ESKD-associated miRNAs in whole plasma were not associated with patient age, BMI, or HbA1c nor did they differ between specimens from men and women. 

    Preservative Types
    • Frozen
    • Diabetes Type 2
    • Diabetes Type 1
    AnalyteTechnology Platform
    RNA Next generation sequencing
    Pre-analytical Factors:
    ClassificationPre-analytical FactorValue(s)
    Preaquisition Patient gender Female
    Preaquisition Patient age 60 ± 5 years
    Preaquisition Patient body mass index BMI range not specified
    Preaquisition Prognostic factor HbA1c 7.7 ± 1.7%
    Biospecimen Acquisition Time of biospecimen collection Initial visit
    Follow-up visit (7-15 years later)
    Preaquisition Diagnosis/ patient condition Type II diabetes with ESKD progression
    Type II diabetes without ESKD progression
    Storage Storage duration 4-14 years
    Storage Freeze/thaw cycling 1 cycle
    3 cycles

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