T002 Solid Tissue Collection
BRD ID: 2,844
Source: ACSR Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 260
This document describes the AIDS and Cancer Specimen Resource (ACSR) method for collecting and storing tissue specimens as well as the procedures for snap-freezing, embedding in OCT compound and formalin-fixation and paraffin embedding. It is a product of ACSR and can be downloaded from http://acsr.ucsf.edu/?page_id=887.
Documents for Download
Tech002_SolidTissueCollection_Revised-June12-2018.pdf [Size: 189 KB] Download SOP documents of all versions [2]Biospecimens
- Tissue - General
- General
- Neoplastic - Not specified
- Biospecimen Acquisition
- Biospecimen Processing
- Biospecimen Preservation
- Storage
Associated SOP Compendiums
- Biospecimen Acquisition
- Biospecimen Processing
- Biospecimen Preservation
- Storage