Tissue Collection and Transportation
BRD ID: 2,666
Source: UOHI Biobank Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 1530
This document describes procedures for the collection of cardiac tissue, its placement in phosphate buffered saline, and transportation on wet ice to the Biobank Facility. This SOP is a product of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute Biobank Facility (UOHI Biobank; https://www.ottawaheart.ca/). The SOP is available at https://www.ottawaheart.ca/researchers/resources-and-services/core-facilities-and-infrastructure/biobank-facility.
Documents for Download
UOHI B-3-006.00 Biobank Tissue Collection and Transportation.pdf [Size: 120 KB]Biospecimens
- Tissue - Heart
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Biospecimen Acquisition
- Biospecimen Shipment
Associated SOP Compendiums
- Biospecimen Acquisition
- Biospecimen Shipment