SP-Guidelines for the Collection and Transport of Specimens for Tuberculosis Testing
BRD ID: 2,304
Source: RIDOH Tier: SOP Number of times downloaded: 620
This document describes procedures for the collection, storage, and transport of abscess fluid and tissue specimens (abdominal, amniotic, ascites, bile, joint, paracentesis, pericardial, peritoneal, pleural, synovial, and thoracentesis fluids; bone marrow aspirates; cerebrospinal fluid; gastric wash or lavage material; bronchoalveolar lavage, brush or wash; endotracheal aspirates; transtracheal aspirates; sputum; feces; lymph nodes; tissue specimens; and urine specimens) for the detection of M. tuberculosis by State Health Laboratories. This SOP is a product of the Rhode Island Department of Health and is available at https://health.ri.gov/laboratory-testing/clinical-specimen-submission-guidance
Documents for Download
TBTestingCollectionAndTransportOfSpecimens.pdf [Size: 191 KB]Biospecimens
- Cell - Bone Marrow
- Other diagnoses
- Biospecimen Acquisition
- Biospecimen Shipment
- Storage
Associated SOP Compendiums
- Biospecimen Acquisition
- Biospecimen Shipment
- Storage