NIH, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) NIH - National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute DCTD - Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis

Extraction of high-integrity RNA suitable for microarray gene expression analysis from long-term stored human thyroid tissues.

Author(s): Walter MA, Seboek D, Demougin P, Bubendorf L, Oberholzer M, Müller-Brand J, Müller B

Publication: Pathology, 2006, Vol. 38, Page 249-53

PubMed ID: 16753748 PubMed Review Paper? No

Purpose of Paper

The purpose of this paper was to determine if RNA integrity and expression in malignant and non-malignant thyroid tissue are adversely affected by prolonged storage (1-16 y) of snap-frozen specimens at -70°C.

Conclusion of Paper

Although RNA yields from malignant and nonmalignant thyroid tissue specimens did not differ significantly, slightly higher median RNA yields were observed from malignant tissue (2.1-2.4 µg/mg) than non-malignant tissue (1.4-1.6 µg/mg).  Multiple regression analysis revealed that RNA integrity numbers (RIN) was not correlated to tissue storage duration and did not differ significantly between RNA extracted from malignant and non-malignant thyroid tissue.  The percentage of genes represented on the Human U333 Plus 2.0 array that were expressed in goiter (51.5%), follicular adenoma (48.1%), papillary carcinoma (52.0%), and follicular carcinoma (42.7%) specimens were within the expected range (30-55%).  The 3’/5’ ratio of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) transcripts was also well below the threshold for degradation (3.0) for all sample types: goiter (1.43), follicular adenoma (1.34), papillary carcinoma (1.52), and follicular carcinoma (1.29).  Collectively, the results led the authors to conclude that RNA isolated from snap-frozen malignant and non-malignant thyroid tissue stored at -70°C for up to 11 y is suitable for gene expression profiling using microarray.


  1. Study Purpose

    The purpose of this study was to determine if RNA integrity and expression in malignant and non-malignant thyroid tissue are adversely affected by prolonged storage (1-16 y) of snap-frozen specimens at -70°C.  In total, 79 surgically resected thyroid specimens that included malignant (30 papillary carcinomas, 14 follicular carcinomas) and non-malignant (15 goiters, 20 follicular adenomas) tissue were used for analysis.  Within 15-30 min of surgical resection, specimens were embedded in OCT compound, snap-frozen in isopentane pre-cooled with liquid nitrogen, and stored at -70°C for 1-16 y until analysis.  RNA was isolated from 10 mg of tissue by Trizol/chloroform extraction, purified with RNeasy mini-spin columns, and treated with DNAse.  RNA integrity number (RIN) was determined with a Bioanlyzer 2100.  Gene expression profiling and the 3’/5’ ratio of GAPDH transcripts were assessed using 5 µg of total RNA and a Human U133 Plus 2.0 Genechip.

    Summary of Findings:

    RNA yields from malignant and nonmalignant thyroid tissue specimens did not differ significantly, although higher median RNA yields were observed from malignant tissue (2.1-2.4 µg/mg) than non-malignant tissue (1.4-1.6 µg/mg).  Multiple regression analysis revealed that RIN was not correlated to tissue storage duration (r2=0.012, p=0.34).  RIN also did not differ significantly between RNA extracted from malignant and non-malignant thyroid tissue (p=0.10).  The percentage of genes represented on the Human U333 Plus 2.0 array that were expressed in goiter (51.5%), follicular adenoma (48.1%), papillary carcinoma (52.0%), and follicular carcinoma (42.7%) specimens were within the expected range (30-55%).  The 3’/5’ ratio of GAPDH transcripts was also well below the threshold for degradation (3.0) for all sample types: goiter (1.43), follicular adenoma (1.34), papillary carcinoma (1.52), and follicular carcinoma (1.29).  Collectively, the results led the authors to conclude that RNA isolated from snap-frozen malignant and non-malignant thyroid tissue that has been stored at -70°C for up to 11 y is of suitable quality for gene expression profiling using microarray.

    Preservative Types
    • OCT
    • Frozen
    • Neoplastic - Benign
    • Neoplastic - Carcinoma
    AnalyteTechnology Platform
    RNA DNA microarray
    RNA Automated electrophoresis/Bioanalyzer
    Pre-analytical Factors:
    ClassificationPre-analytical FactorValue(s)
    Preaquisition Diagnosis/ patient condition Malignant
    Storage Storage duration 1-16 y
    DNA microarray Specific Targeted nucleic acid GAPDH

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